I'm very excited that I'm going to start teaching up in Fallbrook, CA starting on May 14th! This class will be on Thursday afternoons for 6 weeks.
Here is the description:
Discover the art of book making using mixed media techniques.
Altered books, side bound encaustic journals, and paper mache container books will be explored in contemporary directions. Have your art passion awakened as you learn mixed media techniques with beeswax, acrylics and other mediums to create various embellished papers to bind into books. Alter an
existing book with paint, found objects and ephemera. We'll also work with paper mache to create a "house"structure for a small pamphlet stitch book.
Altered books, side bound encaustic journals, and paper mache container books will be explored in contemporary directions. Have your art passion awakened as you learn mixed media techniques with beeswax, acrylics and other mediums to create various embellished papers to bind into books. Alter an
existing book with paint, found objects and ephemera. We'll also work with paper mache to create a "house"structure for a small pamphlet stitch book.
Supply list will be discussed at the first class meeting.
Fallbrook School of the Arts
310 East Alvarado
Fallbrook, CA 92028 760 728-6383 http://www.artstudiosoffallbrook.com/ Look under "workshops" for my class.
Book Arts: Book Arts: Embellished and Stitched with Helen Shafer Garcia Meets Thursdays 1pm to 4pm May 14 & 21, June 4, 11 & 18 Cost: $95.00.
310 East Alvarado
Fallbrook, CA 92028 760 728-6383 http://www.artstudiosoffallbrook.com/ Look under "workshops" for my class.
Book Arts: Book Arts: Embellished and Stitched with Helen Shafer Garcia Meets Thursdays 1pm to 4pm May 14 & 21, June 4, 11 & 18 Cost: $95.00.